


Published Date :2019-01-25 | Last Date :2019-01-25 | Last Updated Date :2024-08-17 06:56:33

KERALA STATE RENEWABLE ENERGY AWARDS - 2018 Last date of submitting applications extended to 25th January 2019

                                     KERALA STATE RENEWABLE ENERGY AWARDS - 2018 

Last date of submitting applications extended to 25th January 2019


  In its efforts to promote excellence in various areas of New and Renewable Energy technologies in the State, Government of Kerala has constituted the “Kerala State Renewable Energy Awards” and is operated by the Agency for Non-Conventional Energy & Rural Technology (ANERT). Applications are invited to apply for the award pertaining to the financial year 2017 – 2018 (Award 2018) in 10 different categories.The Award is given in recognition to the selected enterprises, organizations and individuals who have made systematic and serious attempts for efficient utilization of Renewable Energy, Research & Promotion of renewable energy technologies.

Click here to view/download the Guidelines 

Press release - English Malayalam

The different categories are

Sl No Category Prize Application form
1 Outstanding Contribution in RE (Individual) Rs 1,00,000/- Cash prize, Plaque, Citation on nomination basis
2 Industrial Units Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
3 Commercial Consumers Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
4 Educational Institutions Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
5 Public Institutions Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
6 Non-Profit Organisations Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
7 Local Self Governments Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
8 Research & Innovation
(Individuals & Institutions)
Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
9 RE Power industry
(IPPs, RE system integrators, RE
system manufacturers etc.)
Ist Prize Rs. 1,00,000/- Plaque & Citation,
IInd Prize – Plaque & Citation
PDF format DOC format
10 Individuals Ist Prize Rs. 50,000/- Plaque & Citation PDF format DOC format


The performance would be judged from the details submitted through a proforma which would be evaluated by the Committee and if needed through a visit/interview by the Award Judging Committee. The Committee would take a final decision depending upon the number of entries received and other considerations. The judges reserve the right to move an entry of a participant from the category applied by to another category, at their discretion, if the criterion of participants profile and/or Renewable Energy initiatives is found so by the Judges.


One neatly bound copy of the proforma (including relevant certificates and documents) should reach the below mentioned address by 12th  January  2019  25th january 2019 .The soft copy of the nomination should be emailed to re-award@anert.in (This is mandatory). For more details, feel free to contact our toll free number 1800-425-1803; 

The Programme Officer, ANERT Alappuzha District Office, Kuttungal Complex, Avalookunnu P.O., Alappuzha – 688006


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