The object of the Agency is to gather and disseminate useful knowledge in the various fields on Non-conventional Energy, Energy conservation and Rural Technology, conduct studies, demonstrate, Implement and support implementation of schemes and projects in these fields, thereby deal with the problems arising out of the rapid depletion on Non renewable energy sources, update the technologies used in rural areas as well as introduce appropriate new technologies with an aim to reduce drudgery, increase production and improve the quality of life.
In particular the objects are:
- To identify, formulate, implement and implementation of projects aimed at providing energy requirements of the State of Kerala by harnessing solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, biogas, biomass, energy plantations, micro and mini hydel projects, improved chulahs and kilns etc. with the object of evolving long term plans based on the same.
- To identify, formulate, implement and support implementation of a broad based energy conservation program including the conservation of energy at the source of generation, at the state of distribution and/ or its utilization.
- To identify, formulate implement and support implementation of demonstration projects in the area of rural technology.
- To provide technical, financial or other assistance for the formulation of program designs, and projects meant for extension of alternative energy development program, energy conservation, and rural technologies in the state.
- To provide technical, financial or other assistance for popularization and creation of awareness on alternative sources of energy, energy conservation and rural technologies.
- To undertake or sponsor techno-economic or socio-economic feasibility studies or cost benefit analysis with respect to new and alternative sources of energy, energy conservation and rural technology.
- To undertake or sponsor training program, seminars workshops etc. on non-conventional sources of energy, energy conservation, and rural technology.
- To sponsor, co-ordinate or promote research programs or projects of a development nature involving development of prototypes, pilot plant investigation etc. in the area of alternative and new sources of energy and rural technologies, and
- To make available knowledge and experience to the State Government, Central Government. Municipal Corporation, Municipalities, Panchayats and other local bodies and semi-Government and other development agencies in the State and elsewhere and also offer consultancy services on all such matters pertaining to alternative sources of energy, energy conservation and rural technology as may be referred to it from time to time and to undertake on its own or in collaboration or on other arrangement with national or international agencies, program of research, application, extension and development of new energy sources, methods of energy conservation and rural technologies; and
- To do all such other things as may be incidental on conductive to the attainment of the above objects.