
Programme Details


ANERT in association with MNRE had conducted a detailed study of the wind potential of Kerala and this is estimated to be about 605 MW.  Even though Kerala is blessed with such a high wind potential, the State could not harness it fully for its effective utillisation. 

Click here for guidelines for setting up Wind Farms in Kerala.

Development of Wind Farms in Private Land in Kerala

  • Application Form for Submission of Technical Proposal
  • Details of 16 sites having potential for commercial harnessing of wind power
  • Policy Guidelines for the development of wind power in Kerala through private developers [as per G.O. (MS) No: 23/2004/PD dated 06.11.2004 and revised as per G.O (MS) No.7/2007/PD dated 11.5.2007]

Amendment to policy guidelines [G.O. (Rt) No. 295/08/PD dated 22.11.2008]

Wind Energy - Enhancement of processing fee for Technical Approval [AO.No.192/WIND/ANERT/2014 dt.24.12.2014]

Wind Energy - Levying of fee for extension of time of Technical Approval  [AO.No.188/WPC/EC/ANERT/205 dt.30.12.2015]


