
Invitation for Empanelment of Manufacturers of Batteries,PCU and Solar Modules

Invitation for Empanelment of Manufacturers of Batteries,PCU and Solar Modules

Published Date :2019-02-02 | Last Date :2019-02-09 | Last Updated Date :2023-05-31 06:46:48

ANERT invites manufacturers (batteries, power conditioning units (on-grid and off-grid) and solar modules) to register with ANERT for an Empanelment process. A pre-empanelment meeting will be held at ANERT Headquarters, Thiruvananthapuram for all the registered participants. Tentative dates of the pre-empanelment meeting  are as follows:

Pre-Empanelment Meeting of Manufacturers: 18th  June 2018

After the pre-empanelment meeting, an EOI will be invited through e-Tenders Kerala (www.etenders.kerala.gov.in)

Please register through ANERT website(www.anert.gov.in) to participate in the same.

Manufacturers Registration Link: Click here to register 




Solar Photovoltaic Programme
