



ANERT, in association with CED, is organising the 1st Kerala Renewable Energy Congress (KREC 2018) at Kanakakunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram on 26th and 27th February, 2018, as part of the 1st Kerala Renewable Energy Festival.

About the Congress

Energy is the driving force behind all economic activities. Consequently the ever increasing population and the associated energy requirements to meet the increasing living standards have become matters of great concern. In particular, the availability of suitable and sufficient energy sources, development of environmental friendly utilisation technologies and the cost of energy have become extremely important factors needing immediate attention. In this context, several schemes have been proposed for developing new and renewable energy technologies. Experiences have shown that many of the current approaches for promotion of renewable energy not properly reaching the public and the technologists himself and have many reservations. Substantial changes are required in developing innovative technologies as well as popularizing the technologies through local level initiatives.

Focal theme

The focal theme selected for the 1st Kerala Renewable Energy Congress (KREC 2018) is ‘Technological Advances and Innovations in Renewable Energy System’.

The Kerala Renewable Energy Congress (KREC) is proposed as a new initiative by ANERT to be taken up in association with CED. The main objective of the Congress is to disseminate relevant information on various aspects and current trends in renewable energy technologies and innovations for power generation, waste to energy systems etc.

The KREC 2018 will:


The target groups for the workshop will be students and teaching staff from Engineering colleges, University departments and other research centres; scientists and researchers from R&D institutions, middle level practicing engineers, managers from industry, representative of concerned Govt. departments, policy makers, NGOs etc. Attending this workshop will be of great benefit to the researchers, teachers and students by familiarizing themselves with the state of the art in renewable energy technologies and planning long-term research program. For working engineers and scientists, the program will open up new vistas for the application of advanced renewable energy technologies to the problems that they are currently facing and also they can identify topics for future research and development.


The major subthemes identified under the main theme includes:

Technological advances and innovations in:


Young Scientist Award

Young Scientist Award will be given for the best Oral and Poster presentations by students/research scholars of the age below 30 years.

Call for Papers

Full papers based on original research/project work carried out on the focal theme/subthemes are invited from young students and research scholars of age below 30 years for both Oral presentation and Poster presentations. After scrutiny, the accepted papers will be put either in paper or poster category, which will be duly communicated to the authors. For considering the paper for award session, the students/research scholars have to enclose i) certificate from the research guide/supervising teacher  regarding the originality of the work,  ii) certificate to prove age and iii) an undertaking that the work has not been presented elsewhere or has not been submitted for publication / award. . In the case of multiple authorship, only the first author will be considered for the award, and he/she shall present the paper.

The soft copy of the full paper shall be submitted by email or in CD. The papers shall not exceed 5 pages including figures, tables, etc (Times New Roman, 10 point normal, single line space and with adequate margins). The references shall be given at the end of the paper in alphabetic order (no footnotes allowed). On selection of the paper they also have to submit a one page extended abstract of about 400 words, for publication in the proceedings of the Congress.

Registration Fee

Registration fee includes seminar kit, Proceedings Volume of the Congress and working lunch and tea during the seminar days.


Hotel/Training centre accommodation is available on payment basis. The Organizing Committee will provide the details of the tariff of various hotels, on request. Delegates requiring accommodation may request the General Convener to provide necessary support.


Any organization/individual paying Rs 50,000/- will be accepted as a co-sponsor of the event and their names with a small note will be published in the Proceedings of the Congress. They can also send five delegates without any registration fee.


Payments towards KREC 2018 shall be made by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Centre for Environment and Development, payable at Thiruvananthapuram or through money transfer to the Current Ac. No. 22040200000230 of CED at Federal Bank Vattiyoorkavu  Branch, IFS code: FDRL0002204

Key Dates

Receipt of full paper along with Registration form: 10th February, 2018
Communication on acceptance of paper: 15th February, 2018
Registration for Congress participation without papers: 20th February, 2018


For more information, updates, the KREC 2018 brochure, the KREC Registration Form (Word formatPDF format), and updates on the programme, please visit the CED website...