
e-tendering for all tenders above Rs.25 lakh

e-tendering for all tenders above Rs.25 lakh

Published Date :2016-10-01 | Last Date :2016-11-20

eTendering / eProcurement


As per the direction of Government of Kerala, ANERT would be following electronic tender (e-tender) procedure for all tenders above Rs.25 lakh.

ANERT would be utilising the electronic tendering facility set up by the Government of Kerala (Website: etenders.kerala.gov.in).

In this regard, all prospective bidders are requested to get themselves familiarised and be ready to participate in the forthcoming e-tenders, by visiting the website mentioned above. They can register themselves in the e-tendering system, after obtaining digital signatures.

Vendor should have epayment facility through Internet Banking at SBT or NEFT, to make payments related to tender fees and EMD

Status related to the tender process would be available online publicly.

In connection with obtaining digital signatures, and for any clarification on the e-tendering system, you may please contact eTender Helpdesk of Government of Kerala (Tel. nos. 0471-2577088, 2577188) or ANERT (Shri Hareendran – 0471-2338077, 2331803, 2333124, 2334122)

In future, all bids for tenders above Rs.25 lakh shall be notified and accepted only as electronic tenders.
