
Agencies for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 8 kW Off-Grid SPV Power Plant at CHC Oduvallythattu

Agencies for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 8 kW Off-Grid SPV Power Plant at CHC Oduvallythattu

Published Date :2020-01-17 | Last Date :2020-01-30

Competitive e-tenders are invited from ANERT Empanelled Agencies for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 8 kW Off-Grid SPV Power Plant at CHC Oduvallythattu

Competitive e-tenders in one cover system with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Price Bid in accordance with the ANERT approved technical specifications are invited from ANERT Empanelled Agencies (listed in Off-Grid) under SPV Programme for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 8 kW Off-Grid SPV Power Plant at CHC Oduvallythattu, Chapparapadavu, Thaliparamba, Kannur. The e-tender documents can be downloaded from the e-tendering website of Govt. of Kerala. Tender form will not be available in any other form.


E-TNDER ID : 2020_ANERT_336698_1
