
RfS of Agency for the Operation and Maintenance of ANERT

RfS of Agency for the Operation and Maintenance of ANERT

Published Date :2021-11-01 | Last Date :2021-11-14

ANERT invites open tenders through e-procurement (in two bid system),  from experienced Agencies in O&M activities of utility scale (MW scale) Power Plants or Solar Power Plant asset management for the 2years Operation and Maintenance of ANERT 2MWp Solar PV power plant at Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad District, Kerala.

For more details and submission of tenders, visit:https://etenders.kerala.gov.in/nicgep/app


RfS of Agency for the Operation & Maintenance of ANERT 2MW Solar PV power plant a

E-TNDER ID : 2021_ANERT_450015_1
