
Programme Details



Solarization of Existing agricultural pumps( component C of PMKUSUM of MNRE,Govt. Of India) and Installation of standalone pumps sets for agricultural purpose in unelectrified areas and replacement of existing diesel generator agri pump sets.( component B of PMKUSUM project).

Solarisation would reduce dependence of these pumps on conventional electricity thus reducing the requirement of subsidized electricity for agriculture and provide additional source of income to farmers who will be in a position to sell the surplus power to the utility.


PM-KUSUM ( Component C )

Under PM-KUSUM project of MNRE, Govt. of India,( component C)individual farmers having grid connected agriculture pump will be supported to solarize pumps. The farmer will be able to use the generated solar power to meet the irrigation needs and the excess solar power will be sold to DISCOM. CFA would be 30% and State Government will have to give a minimum subsidy of 30%; and the remaining 40% will be provided by the farmer.


PM-KUSUM ( Component B )

Under Component B of PM Kusum, individual farmers will be supported to install standalone solar Agriculture pumps of capacity up to 7.5 HP for replacement of existing diesel Agriculture pumps / irrigation systems in off-grid areas, where grid supply is not available. . Pumps of capacity higher than 7.5 HP may be allowed, however, subsidy will be limited to the CFA applicable for pump of 7.5 HP. Water User Associations and community/cluster based irrigation system will also be covered under this component. However, priority would be given to small and marginal farmers. In order to minimize the water usage for irrigation purpose, preference will be given to the farmers using Micro irrigation systems or covered under Micro irrigation schemes or who opt for micro irrigation system. Solar PV capacity in kW for the pump capacity in HP will be allowed as per MNRE specifications under the scheme It will be mandatory to use indigenously manufactured solar panels with indigenous solar cells and modules. Further, the motor-pump-set, controller and balance of system should also be manufactured indigenously. .CFA would be 30% and State Government will have to give a minimum subsidy of 30%; and the remaining 40% will be provided by the farmer.


Guidelines of PM KUSUM Component B project

Guidelines of PM KUSUM Component C

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Solar Photovoltaic Programme 
