
Programme Details


This program is aimed to recover energy from waste; scientific disposal of waste; and conversion of waste into fertilizer after energy extraction; to improve sanitation; to protect environment; and also to generate employment opportunities.

Biogas programmes are implemented by ANERT with financial assistance from MNRE and with active participation of beneficiaries.  ANERT has installed 102 large size biogas plants since its inception with central financial support. An average of 10 lakh m3 bio gas is being generated every year.  These plants are installed at medical colleges, district medical hospitsls, private and charitable institutions with 15 to 70 m3 capacity for thermal applications and electricity generation.

Of the 102 plants, 73 use night soil, 24 use canteen waste and 5 use animal waste as feed material.  5 plants generate electricity, each using a 10 kW dual-fuel engine.  Other plants use biogas for heating applications.
