
Renewable Energy Awards 2021

Renewable Energy Awards 2021

Published Date :2023-05-01 | Last Date :2023-05-10 | Last Updated Date :2024-08-17 06:56:33

The category wise listing with application form may be given and the application form in .doc format may be collated with a heading Application Forms (like previous years)


Category 1 : - Public Sector Enterprises ; Category 2 : - Education Sector (Institutions)

Category 3 : -  Local Self Governments  ; Category 4 : - Commercial Sector (Hotels, Hospitals, shopping malls etc.)

Category 5 : - Transportation Sector ; Category 6 : - MSME Sector

Category 7 : - Non-Profit Organisations ; Category 8 : -  Research & Innovation (Individuals / Institutions) 

Category 9 : - Young Entrepreneur (Individual) ; Category 10 : - RE Power Industry (Large Industries incl IPPs, Captive consumers etc)

Category 11 : - RE Industries (Manufacturers, System Integrators etc.); Category 12 : - Skill Development in Renewable Energy Sector




One neatly bound copy of the proforma (including relevant certificates and documents) should reach the below mentioned address by 21st january 2021. The soft copy of the nomination should be emailed to re-award@anert.in (This is mandatory). All are also requested to register in this form as well - https://forms.gle/nGVgyZEqQ9QBYTuy7
