
TENDER - Solar fencing systems - Oct-2012

TENDER - Solar fencing systems - Oct-2012

Published Date :2012-10-06 | Last Date :2012-11-03

Tenders are invited for the following:

Tender no. 
(click to view/ download tender notice)

Tender superscription

Sale of tender documents

Last date for submission of tender document

Tender documents for reference can be downloaded. Original document to be purchased from ANERT.

05/SFS/ANERT/2012 Image removed.

Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 17 Solar Fences with Energizer Systems in Wayanad District

06.10.2012 to 02.11.2012 
(on working days)

12.00 noon

click here to download the tender document (for reference only)

06/SFS//ANERT/2012 Image removed.

Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 12 Solar Fences with Energizer Systems in Malappuram District

06.10.2012 to 02.11.2012 
(on working days)

12.00 noon

click here to download the tender document (for reference only)

Click on the tender number above to view the tender notice and abstract. 

Tender documents now available for Download:

>>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE TENDER DOCUMENTS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY). Original document to be purchased from ANERT for tender submission.

