
"Solar Connect" Grid-connected solar power plants of capacity 2kW to 100kW

"Solar Connect" Grid-connected solar power plants of capacity 2kW to 100kW

Published Date :2017-02-03 | Last Date :2017-02-08

Solar Smart - off-grid rooftop power plants programme
“Solar Connect” Grid connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant Programme 2016-17

Solar photovoltaic power plants of capacity 2kW to 100kW

Click here to download Application form and guidelines

Click here to download List of qualified agencies for the programme  (updated 03-Feb-2017) and 
click here for their contacts details 

Click here to download Districts allowed for each agency to operate in 


Formats and process guidelines for implementation - Solar Connect 2016-17

Process guidelines

Format for letter from beneficiary to ANERT District Office, for allotment of registration number

Format for allotment of registration number

Format for Work Order

Format for agreement between empanelled agency and beneficiary

Format for certification by beneficiary

Format for commissioning report

Format for authorisation by beneficairy for subsidy-release

Format for Display Board

Format for joint inspection report (updated 8-Feb-2017)

Format for undertaking by beneficiary on tilt-angle
