
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Grid Connected SPV Power Plants in 10 Public Buildings (Total Capacity of 10 plants is 44 kW)of Pilicode Grama Panchayat (2018-2019 Solar Scheme)

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Grid Connected SPV Power Plants in 10 Public Buildings (Total Capacity of 10 plants is 44 kW)of Pilicode Grama Panchayat (2018-2019 Solar Scheme)

Published Date :2018-09-12 | Last Date :2018-09-26

Supply,Installation & Commissioning of Grid Connected SPV Power Plants in 10 Public Buildings (Total
Capacity of 10 plants is 44 kW)of Pilicoade Grama Panchayat (2018-2019 Solar Scheme)
