
Rajiv Gandhi Akshaya Urja Divas, 2014

Rajiv Gandhi Akshaya Urja Divas, 2014

Published Date :2023-05-30 11:42:34 | Last Updated Date :2024-08-12 13:58:54

Rajiv Gandhi Akshaya Urja Divas, 2014

This year also ANERT organised awareness campaigns on renewable energy and energy conservation as part of Rajiv Gandhi Akshaya Urja Divas.The state level inauguration of the campaign was done by the Hon. Chief Minister Shri Oommen Chandy at ANERT Seminar Hall at 3 p.m. on 27-Oct-2014, in a function presided over by the Hon. Minister for Power Shri Aryadan Mohammed. Shri K. Muraleedharan MLA was also present and offered his felicitations. ANERT Director Dr. K. Vasuki IAS welcomed the gathering.

