
Workshop on Trends in Hybrid Renewable Energy Harvesting

Workshop on Trends in Hybrid Renewable Energy Harvesting

Published Date :2023-05-30 11:35:45 | Last Updated Date :2024-01-23 08:57:24

ANERT organised a workshop on Trends in Renewable Energy Harvesting, jointly with C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram at ANERT Seminar Hall on 10-Aug-2017.

This Workshop provided an opportunity for the participants from industries and professionals to interact with the experts in the field of Renewable
energy resources and also to understand the various technologies available in the market and its advantages, short-comings and possible solutions.
The workshop covered topics like:

  • MW Scale grid interactive solar photovoltaic power plants using indigenous power conditioning systems
  • Large scale battery storage technology to implement hybrid , continuous and despatchable renewable energy Power Plants
  • Power quality mitigation schemes
  • Smart protection schemes
  • Data acquisition and bidirectional communication technology
  • Data analytics, visualization for technology demonstration, education and popularization.

