


Liaise with other agencies in the country or abroad in the fields of Non-conventional Energy, Energy Conservation, and Rural Technology.

Co-operate and affiliate, if necessary with institutions, associations or bodies in India or abroad;

Establish and to maintain technical libraries and / or information centers, and to collect and collate information regarding alternative sources of energy, energy conservation and rural technologies.

Develop and support centers of documentation, publication service, maintenance and supply of data including patent literature, current status reports etc in the area of energy sources, energy management, and rural Technology.

Act as Nodal Agency for externally sponsored projects on Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology.

Take special steps including that of conducting training courses to develop a group of Scientists and technologies working in the field of energy sources and rural technologies and to identify and encourage research and development in the related areas, as also to institute and award fellowships, prizes, and medals and to issue certificates;

Establish and maintain workshop and manufacturing units to further the objects of the Agency.

Cumulative Achievement of Bio Gas plant in Kerala 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17





sl no District MNRE scheme state scheme MNRE scheme state scheme MNRE scheme state scheme
1 Thiruvananthapuram 13 103 49 383 243 253
2 Kollam 7 187 42 376 35 208
3 Pathanamthitta 22 219 16 229 11 110
4 Alappuzha 20 301 12 343 28 112
5 Kottayam 126 326 48 785 36 384
6 Idukki 255 270 237 338 207 94
7 Eranakulam 123 248 109 579 78 439
8 Thrissur 147 167 121 346 88 105
9 Malappuram 23 188 25 165 27 64
10 Palakkad 59 89 44 117 19 93
11 Kozhikode 64 89 87 536 81 172
12 Wayanad 93 67 66 131 23 85
13 Kannur 47 144 47 119 47 53
14 Kasargod 41 61 22 45 6 25
15 Total 1040 2459 925 4492 929 2197

Achievement of Wind Power in Kerala 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17

2014 - 15 : nil

2015 - 16 : 8.4MW Palakkad Dist

2016 - 17 : 16MW Palakkad Dist